Monday, March 21, 2005

fulfill your own prophecies - we will make it to the other side

I decided that I was done being swept around by the waves and getting all emotional about the apocalypse, so after a few banashings and creating a good psychic shield against the West, I decided it's time to push back...

Humanity is facing a great shift right now, an unprecedented meta-system transition from the old evolutionary paradigm of survival of the fittest (fastest, fattest) to the new interconnected paradigm of "we are all in this together." This is the rise of the 5th Aeon, the emergence of the collective conscious; and the fall of the old Western reality-tunnel of division, reason, war and control. This is the rebirth of humanity, love and spirit unchained and free at last to find that we are indeed all gods. God died a long time ago, and these are the last death throws of that monolithic beast. All that’s left is for us to pick up the reigns, and cut them apart so that we will not be enslaved by ourselves again. So will it be.

Look to the West, the tower is falling (the fall of the World Trade Towers was only symbolic of that), and with it the limiting and linear consciousness that it placed over our eyes, a filter or veil to keep us from seeing life in all its multifaceted glory. As it crumbles, the great waters it held back will pour in, floods and tsunamis will sweep us up, both physically and psychically. We can no longer deny the chaos and the quantum that have been damned back for so long. Everything is fractal, everything is connected, nothing is true, and everything is permitted.

Look around you, or better yet stop looking and start feeling. It’s all energy, every interaction is a transference of power. From a simple smile reflected on a friend’s face to a thousand strangers coming together as one to protest the old world order. Everything we do causes waves around us, affects everything else out to the furthest stars and the edges of history. We are beginning to realize that we are the will of the Universe, that we have its power to change everything we put our hearts and intentions to. The Zen masters strive to still their waters, to cause no waves and let reality be what it is. But now is not he time for stillness, it is the time for action. It is the time for the anarchist shamans, reality-hackers, and revolutionary soul warriors to put it all out on the table and create a wave big enough to bring the last remaining outposts of the Western Empire down. There will be time enough for peace once we live in the free world of our dreams.

Don’t think that there won’t be a fight. The Beast may be dead, but it has its claws in deep, and won’t let go so easily. Expect a backlash. There is a great holy war on in the cradle of civilization, and it won’t stop until it reaches every one of our doorsteps. So we must be prepared with as much power and magic as we can accrue in the few short years we have left. And the fight will be hard, for we are not fighting people, the politicians and religious fanatics and businessmen are just pawns, we are fighting the ideologies on which their whole reality structure is founded. We are attempting to dismantle the order that holds order together. Beliefs are a lot harder to fight, for they are not bound in time or space, though they incorporate themselves readily (and what better place to start then rejecting the spectacle of corporations and images?).

And it is not just the elite who are enthralled, all civilization is under this spell, even we who no longer consent to this reality are still in it, and must fight its hold in ourselves. We are in the rotting belly of the beast and must carve a way to the open air. But what of the people who are just trying to survive, who do not seek out new worlds and only acquiesce to this one because they have not yet been presented with another option? Surely there will be fear and violence and unwilling reactions to this shift, even in the ones who are already beginning to feel the pull of a world where things can be much more than they seem. There is resistance to change, to being pushed past all our boundaries and securities, and we must be ready with open arms to help ease this transition wherever we can, to say "You’re not going crazy," "You will not die," "The unknown can be beautiful and meaningful and real if you let it," and "Welcome to the new world, welcome home."

When all the walls are torn down, you will not find an empty hostile void. You will find eternity.

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