Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Houses Flying Towards the End of the World

Dream Symbology: Houses Flying Towards the End of the World [by Anumaatii. via irreality]

"Everyone dreams. If you think that you don't, there's a good chance you simply aren't remembering them, as this is a far more common occurrence than not dreaming at all.
I am certainly no dream expert, but I do take pleasure in attempting to derive some meanings from symbols- and dreams tend to be chock-full of symbolism. Such symbols do not necessarily occur only in dreamland; meditations, for example, can include them, as can the novels and stories that arise from the imaginations of authors. Mythology, too, is often imbued with symbols.
There are some common motifs that I have found running through my own dreams, and I've also noticed them in the reading of journals, blogs, and other such places. In this essay, we will take a look at three symbols that can be quite important and powerful: houses, flight, and end-of-the-world scenarios."

Funny, I often dream of houses and the end of the world too. Also good punk shows and late night walks between bars and backalleys, and excavating the ruins of 20th century megamalls. I guess it all comes down to what you pay attention to. And as usual, instead of paying attention to the flying houses of my mind's eye, the six a.m. church bells are ringing down the street and I'm still wide awake and in the interweb. I'll blame it on the lunar eclipse.

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