Thursday, October 20, 2005

starting from scracth

Alchemical Braindamage [via mythropolis

"So. What I want you to do, provided you're interested in playing along, is to make a list of what you want. Let's say ten things. Ten things you want that are achievable from your current perspective. You may want to be a rock star, but if you don't think it's possible to be a rock star, for you right now, then leave it off the list. As well, for the moment, I suggest you make as many of the things on the list as possible relatively short term projects. The reason is, you want to be able to complete some of these relatively quickly and turn over your list a little bit. But we're getting ahead of ourselves. By the same token, you want the things on your list to have bit of emotional juice to them. Wanting to make a sandwich is not so great. Wanting to drive for three hours to the nearest Arby's is better. Wanting to own your own restaurant chain is better still. And yes it's perfectly alright to want utterly banal and trivial things. That's part of the point when we start. That's the base material which we will proceed to refine."

I think I may have to play along with this. I love making lists anyway for my goals, but turning it into a magical experiment should up my intentions a bit.

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